Stay-at-home orders and social distancing practices have forced couples to spend more time than ever together. Close quarters can test even the strongest of relationships.
Maybe you were considering filing for divorce before the pandemic hit. Perhaps the past few months have exposed irreparable cracks in the foundation of your relationship. Regardless of your situation, you should know that divorce options are still available. Although there are additional challenges that must be faced, a skilled attorney can help you explore your options.
Safety First for You and Your Family
No one should ever feel like they have to remain in a dangerous living situation. If you or other members of your family are suffering from domestic abuse, you should take steps to help protect yourselves as soon as possible. The courts are still issuing emergency orders for protection from abuse.
Adapting Practices to Help Clients Leaving an Unhealthy Marriage
The pandemic is changing the way that we practice family law. If the confines of the pandemic have caused you to realize that it’s time to leave your marriage, we can help you navigate the divorce process. Some courts in Central Pennsylvania are conducting hearings via telephone or video-conference. For instance, in Dauphin County, most custody conciliations, support conferences, and Protection from Abuse (PFA) hearings will be conducted by phone or video throughout the Summer of 2020.
Our Hershey office reopened — with safeguards in place — once Dauphin and Cumberland Counties transitioned to the “Green” phase of reopening. For the safety of our staff and other clients, we are asking that everyone who enters the building wear a mask for the duration of their visit. Conference rooms are being sanitized after every use. However, we remain available to schedule telephone and video appointments with clients.
Stay or Go?
Perhaps the biggest challenge of divorce during a pandemic is whether you should stay with your spouse or move out. The issue is further complicated when children are involved or if one or more spouses have lost a job during this economic downturn. As mentioned above, if you or your loved ones are in danger, you should seek help for removing yourself from a harmful situation.
Even if you and your spouse can coexist, living together after you’ve asked for a divorce can cause additional strain. Whether you should remain in your home or go elsewhere is a decision that only you can make, however, resources are available for assistance. If you have children, there are legal considerations regarding custody that must be taken into account as well.
Your Situation Is Not Hopeless
Divorce during this time in history poses significant challenges and stress. However, help is available for a brighter future. Get professional advice to determine your available options.